Carbon-neutral packaging

Emissions can be balanced out by making targeted savings elsewhere; this is called carbon neutrality. It means that the CO2 balance in the atmosphere is not changed when manufacturing your packaging.

It’s impossible for packaging production processes to have zero CO2 emissions. That is why we have developed measures that allow us to give something back to nature. Eliminating greenhouse gases elsewhere allows us to neutralise the negative effect on our climate balance. By using a TÜV-recognised CO2 calculator provided by ClimatePartner, we can quickly calculate and certify the “Product Carbon Footprint” (PCF) of your packaging. You can use this calculation to purchase recognised emission reduction certificates, making your packaging carbon-neutral. We will be happy to help you with this process and can offer you a selection of climate protection projects.

The role of these climate protection projects is to promote the expansion of renewable energies around the world. Every customer who uses carbon-neutral packaging is making an active contribution to protecting our climate. At the same time, the use of “carbon-neutral” packaging can have a positive effect on your company’s carbon footprint.

The unique certificate number makes it possible to find out the extent of the climate protection work in a transparent and traceable way. The certificate number can be integrated into the packaging artwork using a label and is available on the ClimatePartner homepage. By entering the number, you can find out more about the CO2 quantity being offset as well as the climate protection project being supported.

Our most important priority is avoiding CO2 emissions and reducing our company’s CO2 footprint.

I would be happy to advise you one on one!

Mats Geißler


Sales Manager

+49 5241 80-42550

+49 5241 80-28927

We value our climate.